As an accomplished performer, teacher, and scholar, Dr. Trineice has traveled and taught students from all over the world and lectures nationally and internationally on a variety of Soul Ingredients® topics.
Another new release comes by way of singer Trineice Robinson (co-prodducec by Don Braden). Wardell Gray, saxophonist from the past, is joined by Erroll Garner in Pasadena which is the first of a couple happening tracks separated only by time, the next is blistering trumpeter Jon Faddis.
Trineice Robinson (40) har bakgrunn fra kirka, fra klassisk musikk, fra soul, fra rhythm and blues og ikke minst fra jazz. Store deler av den amerikanske musikkarva med andre ord. når hun først har tatt seg tid og valgt å prioritere sin platedebut, så viser hun oss dette på et flott vis.
Trineice Robinson brings deep gospel roots to her work in jazz. Like most good singers, she’s covered a lot of ground throughout her career, from classical choral music, to jazz and various touring gigs.
Trineice Robinson brings deep gospel roots to her work in jazz. Like most good singers, she’s covered a lot of ground throughout her career, from classical choral music, to jazz and various touring gigs. So it’s something of a surprise that her new album All Or Nothing – streaming at Spotify – is her debut as a bandleader.
“Come Sunday” is vocalist Trineice Robinson and piano great Cyrus Chestnut’s soul-stirring version of the Duke Ellington’s classic from All Or Nothing, Robinson’s long-awaited debut at the age of 40.
Robinson, who also goes by the name of Trineice Robinson-Martin, is a highly skilled singer well-versed in the art of jazz improvisation known as scat, and she’s equally adept at singing gospel/Christian, rhythm & blues, rock, country, and pop.
Vocalist Trineice Robinson releases her long-overdue debut after making her mark as a renowned educator, researcher, author and scholar
All Or Nothing, due out August 6, 2021 via 4RM Music Productions, brings together a lifetime of experience and influences from jazz, R&B, gospel and classical music with an all-star band featuring Don Braden, Cyrus Chestnut, Kenny Davis and Vince Ector.
Amerikanske Trineice Robinson er det, man kan kalde en sen debutant. Hun udsender således sit debutalbum, All or Nothing, i en alder af 40 år. Til gengæld bilder jeg mig også ind, at man kan høre, at hun en jazzsangerinde med livserfaringer i bagagen. I hvert fald er der en tyngde og troværdighed i hendes formidling.
Con una consolidada carrera como cantante y pedagoga, Dr. Trineice Robinson es profesora de canto en estilos tan variados como jazz, gospel, R&B, blues… entre otros lugares, en la Universidad de Princeton, donde imparte canto de jazz, y ha creado Soul Ingredients®, un método de enseñanza para desarrollar el potencial de los alumnos tomando sus experiencias personales, influencias musicales y modelos para alcanzar la máxima expresión.
All Or Nothing, brings together a lifetime of experience and influences from jazz, R&B, gospel and classical music with an all-star band featuring Don Braden, Cyrus Chestnut, Kenny Davis and Vince Ector, along with guest appearances by pianist Phil Orr, guitarist Joe “Stretch” Vinson, percussionist Kahlil Kwame Bell and the horn section of Ian Kaufman, John Meko and Nils Mossblad, as well as her children Laura-Simone artin and Lindsay Martin Jr. who lend a sweetness and charm to Robinson’s gospel-inspired original, “Let It Shine.”