As an accomplished performer, teacher, and scholar, Dr. Trineice has traveled and taught students from all over the world and lectures nationally and internationally on a variety of Soul Ingredients® topics.
Having concentrated much of her career on jazz education, vocalist Trineice
Robinson is stepping out of the halls of academia with her debut recording All or
Nothing (4RM Music Productions) which will be released in August. The results
were certainly worth the wait, as the Princeton faculty member dives into a
repertoire of jazz standards, gospel, soul and R&B, backed by stellar musicians
Ms Robinson has gathered stellar musicians for the album, including Don Braden who is no slouch on sax and flute, Cyrus Chestnut on piano and bassist Kenny Davis. Sax and piano feature on the title track, using differing time signatures for their solos, very innovative.
"soulful , warm, intense, with daring
improvisation in her scat – singing, bringing out a certainty of joy and
celebration…. a production that reveals from the beginning its aspirations and
achieves them to the fullest extent."
Dr. Trineice Robinson-Martin has dedicated her career to performing and developing resources for teaching jazz, gospel/Christian, R&B, rock, country, and pop singing styles in an applied/private voice lesson setting. Robinson’s own passion for music began in Oakland, California, where she came from generations of clergy.
TRINEICE ROBINSON/All or Nothing: Normally you reach this point a little later in life than 40, but Robinson has reached the point in time where she can do what she wants. What she want is to hang with a bunch of first call jazzbos and be a diva kicking it out on classics and originals with equal style and verve. Another item to cross off her bucket list. With the right sass and style to be a first class jazz vocalist, this later in life debut hits all the right notes throughout.